Springtime brings green trees and bright flowers, but the blooming plants also release pollen that triggers allergies. Your sneezing, chest congestion, runny nose, and itchy eyes make you reluctant to go outdoors. Even going outside for a few minutes to check the mail can trigger an allergic reaction.

While taking medication helps, environmental changes reduce the allergic symptoms that you experience in the first place, allowing you to enjoy your backyard again. Bush and tree removal give you more space and eliminate specific allergens from your property.

Bush and Tree Removal Reduces Pollen

People typically associate pollen with flowers, but trees and shrubs also release pollen into the air. ThoughtCo points out that “male” trees produce pollen. However, not all trees are alike. Some trees are monecious, meaning they have male and female flowers on the same tree. Others are dioecious, meaning that male and female trees grow separately.

If you have a monecious tree, you should remove the tree altogether. Ask an expert if you have a male or female tree in your yard for dioecious trees. Calling a tree removal company to uproot a male tree will reduce the pollen count on your property.

Luckily, ThoughtCo also notes that some trees produce flowers with male and female parts. Since insects carry pollen for these flowers, they don’t release pollen into the wind. These species, such as dogwood, magnolia and double-flowered cherry, typically have large flowers. Consider adding these plants to your yard after removing the allergy triggers.

Tree Removal Clears Your Property

Close exposure to pollen can trigger a more severe reaction. If plants produce pollen near your windows, front door, walkway, and porch, you’re unnecessarily exposing yourself to allergens. Bush and tree removal clear away these plants so that you can breathe more easily when you step outside. You’re also less likely to touch plants that leave oils on your skin.

Other Tips for Allergy Relief

While you wait for plant removal, WebMD offers these tips for clearing your sinuses:

  • Avoid going outside on windy days because the wind blows pollen everywhere. Hot, dry weather also increases the pollen count.
  • Check the trees in your yard. Did your doctor tell you that you’re allergic to certain types of trees, such as willow or oak? You might have one of those on your property and don’t realize it.
  • Avoid fruits and vegetables that worsen your allergies when you encounter pollen after eating them. Common problematic foods include kiwis, almonds, pears and hazelnuts.
  • When forecasts show a high pollen count, stay indoors with the doors shut and the windows sealed. Cover your nose and mouth when you go outside, and wash your face and hands afterward.

Bushor’s Tree Surgeons remove, trim and prune trees on your property. Contact us to get a bush and tree removal consultation.